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Roots, by Domenico Cornacchia is a hymn to his land

Roots, by Domenico Cornacchia is a hymn to his land

poetry book

Roots by Domenico Cornacchia aims to preserve a culture that has been passed down orally for centuries before sources of information disappear

ROME, LAZIO, ITALIA, November 9, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Roots by the Italian author Domenico Cornacchia (Efesto Publishing, 2023) aims to preserve a culture that has been passed down orally for centuries before sources of information and their witnesses disappear. The stories are tales of lived life that span much of the last century, set in a small patch of land on the border between Abruzzo and Marche, narrated through the eyes and ears of a boy who still proudly lives and wakes up every morning in that place with his family.

The book translated into English, and also available in eBook version, introduces a wonderful Italian place to the world. Domenico Cornacchia makes you feel the love for his land, an enchanting place located in a small place between Abruzzo and Marche regions.

Love, war, fieldwork, life’s difficulties, and folklore are recounted in the text to keep alive the customs and traditions passed down from generation to generation. Places, families, proverbs, and words in the Abruzzo-Marchigiano dialect accompany the final chapters of the book.

The title encapsulates the resilience of those people who still believe in the beauty of life in these places and aims to connect all the people who live out of Italy and who have origins in these wonderful places in order to keep the memory and remembrance alive. Today, perhaps more than ever, the commitment of the new generations lies not only in looking toward the future but also in preserving the past.

Domenico Cornacchia was born in Ascoli Piceno in 1990. He lives in Santa Rufina in the province of Teramo, on the border between Abruzzo and Marche. His love for nature led him to carry out agricultural studies both in high school and at university, graduating from the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Teramo. He spent his whole life in close contact with nature and animals, of which he has always been a lover. His greatest passion is traveling, to know and discover himself. This passion led him to visit wonderful places around the world, to deal with different scents and situations, and to live unforgettable experiences that also influenced his writing.


➢ June 2022: Resto qui (https://amzn.eu/d/08FsyQ0)

➢ March 2023: Pensieri (https://amzn.eu/d/eVfaN9R)

➢ September 2023: Roots (https://amzn.eu/d/cOuAClL)

➢ November 2023: Un’altra notte ancora

Shop link https://www.amazon.it/Roots-Santa-Rufina-Castellana-dAbruzzo/dp/8833814912/ref=sr_1_5?qid=1699562867&refinements=p_27%3ADomenico+Cornacchia&s=books&sr=1-5

Lisa di Giovanni
Lisa di Giovanni PR & Editoria
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/667501073/roots-by-domenico-cornacchia-is-a-hymn-to-his-land

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